About Us

It is indeed a great pleasure to welcome you to our website. We are extremely delighted to mention that you are now with only association of Assam who reach to every nook and corner of Assam, which is not only conducting competition but also coaching of talented athletes.

Assam athletics association (AAA), founded in 1970, is an amateur athletics association for development of athletics activities in Assam. Since inception, the AAA has achieved many milestones due to the dedicated devoted band of organizers, quality coaching and conducting fare competition by adopting innovative approaches. It is a matter of immense pleasure and pride to announce that in its Assam produced sprinting sensation like Hima Das. The elite players of AAA got high post and positions in various organization as Physical Education Teacher, Sports Coach,Defence and Paramilitary organizations, Industrial Sectors, Corporate Houses and Media Houses etc. It is our constant endeavour to provide conducive environment for competition, technical conduct of competition and overall excellence. We will therefore request you all to visit us more often and judge for yourself the developments of this premier Association of Assam who associate mostly with rural talent of Assam.

President and Secretary
Assam Athletics Association


Assam Athletics Association (AAA) is Affiliated to Athletics Federation of India & Assam Olympic Association.

District unit of Assam Athketics Association Click Here